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History: History Thesis Fair for Undergraduates

An overview of guides to History collections in Oxford.


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Wednesday 30 April, 2-4pm

Examination Schools (North Writing School)


ThA female student is being helped by a female subject librarian, discussing which resources might be useful.e History Thesis Fair is aimed at 2nd year history undergraduates embarking on their research for a dissertation and who are looking for source materials.

The Fair is an excellent opportunity to gain a wider perspective on the wealth of research sources available for your field of study.


Learn about resources you may not yet have considered for your project, and meet librarians, archivists, researchers, and collection curators who can guide you towards relevant material or useful finding tools.

Speak to other students who have previously written dissertations and learn about their TOP 10 TIPS.


Be curious, network and make connections with experts and your peers. Explore the most helpful resources available to you according to geographical area, research theme, or source format. And be inspired to deliver your best project.

      Collage of imaged resources from advertising the History Thesis Fair - including a Victorian family photo, a medieval map of All Souls College, a print of Napeoleon, an illuminated medieval manuscript page, a nineteenth-century Sanskrit manuscript illustration, a picture of a stone circle, and a nineteenth-century Chinese manuscript illustration                                                                                                   

Stalls at the Fair

Special Collections, libraries and archives, e.g.

  • Archives and Manuscripts pre-1500
  • Archives and Manuscripts 1500-1830
  • Archives and Modern Manuscripts 1830-
  • College Libraries (Special Collections)
  • College Archives
  • Oxford Brookes University Special Collections & Archives
  • Oxfordshire History Centre
  • Early Printed Books
  • UK Government and International Intergovernmental Publications

Topical stalls, e.g.

  • Biography
  • Digital Scholarship
  • Disability History
  • Economic and Social History
  • English Literature
  • LGBTQ, Gender and Sexuality
  • History of Science & Medicine
  • Maps and Mapping
  • Visual Culture
  • and more

Geographical stalls, e.g.

  • Africa & Commonwealth
  • East Asia & South Asia
  • Eastern Europe and Russia
  • Great Britain & Western Europe
  • Middle East, Hebrew & Judaica, Caucasus & Central Asia
  • Latin America
  • United States

Get ready to learn research skills

Hands holding some soil and a small plant

Doing research on your thesis also means that you will need to learn new skills, deepening your knowledge of resources and sources and how to go about locating and using them.

To help you on this exciting journey, the library has organised a series of talks, classes, workshops and a Thesis Fair which are designed to

  1. Upskill your information searching and research skills;
  2. Learn about the rich sources available to them in Oxford (and beyond) and know how to access them;
  3. Learn how to handle the material, incl. archives, correct citation practices, ethical research practice, etc.;
  4. Get to know relevant experts in Oxford libraries and archives.

Check out the classes and workshops (watch this space) set up for you to help you learn the skills you will need.

Research Training for Historians


The main entrance to the Examination Schools is stepped. There is a ramped entrance immediately to the left of the main entrance. There is lift access throughout the building, two wheelchair accessible toilets and hearing support systems that can be deployed where needed throughout the building. Most areas of the building have level access.

The accessible toilet is gender neutral and is at the bottom of the staircase opp. Room 8.

If you have any queries, please email

Missed the Fair?

If you can't attend the Fair, then fear not. You can still speak to experts, learn about sources and get help:

If you need any help, contact us at

History Faculty guidance

Ensure you have read the History Faculty's guidance on the Compulsory Thesis (SSO required).

Important deadlines:

Title Submission -  Friday of 6th week, Michaelmas Term of your 3rd Year

Thesis Submission - 12.00 midday on Friday of 8th week of Hilary Term of 3rd year

Publicity materials for 2025

Thesis Fair 2024 photos (copyright Nick Cistone)

A busy room full of stalls and students
A librarian helping a student
Two librarians at a stall
Two librarians at a stall
A librarian helping a student at a stall
A smiling librarian by an information skills sign
A librarian helping a student at a stall
Librarians talking to a student at a stall
Smiling librarians at a stall
Librarians talking to a student
A librarian helping a student at a stall
A librarian helping students
Library assistants at the entrance
Smiling librarians at a stall
A librarian helping a student at a stall
Two smiling librarians
A librarian helping a student at a stall
Two librarians at a stall
A librarian showing a student an online resource
Three librarians at a stall
Two librarians at a stall
A librarian showing a student an online resource
A librarian helping a student at a stall
Smiling librarians at a stall
A librarian showing a student an online resource
Librarian helping student