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Business & Management: Current News

Subjects: Business, Management


The Sainsbury Library Current News guide provides information and links to the key business news sources.

BBC Business News

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Harvard Business Review

Impact Alpha

TRIAL PUBLICATION: The Morning Context

The Morning Context is a subscription-based financial publication which writes detailed articles on Indian businesses, startups, economy and current affairs. 

Business news faces three key challenges:
A. Newspapers churn out voluminous, shallow and poorly written articles.
B. Social media has amplified echo chambers and fake news creating harmful misinformation campaigns.
C. Advertising funded business models have created an environment of bias and favoritism in media coverage which has lowered the quality of journalism. The Morning Context is the answer to the above trends.

Starting in autumn of 2019, our belief back then which continues to guide everything we do is that our journalism must exist to add value to readers for which they must be willing to pay. We don’t write for advertisers, sponsors, sources, none of that. We write for our readers. This simple, true principle is the foundation of our newsroom and enterprise.

The trial access will give the readers timely stories, few in number but those that are rich in research, depth and context on Indian corporates, tech companies and economic current affairs. Our choice of concentrating most of our efforts in covering businesses is deliberate. Economic activity led by businesses is the fabric of society, which touches the lives of everyone, including the state of the world we live in. So it becomes essential that these businesses are covered by serious practitioners and not cheerleaders.

We ship upwards of 500 stories every year, about three pieces every day, which includes an investigative longform story, a detailed explainer and a news brief/newsletter. A close look at the topics The Morning Context writes about:

▪ Finance & Banking: 20%
▪ Corporates & large companies: 18%
▪ Start-ups: 15%
▪ Technology & social media: 12%
▪ Environment: 10%
▪ Government policy: 8%
▪ Culture: 7%
▪ Sports, economy, politics, culture etc: 10%

To get started on the free trial, click on the login button on the website - and use your campus email address to start reading. 

Our subscribers include several universities and colleges offering MBA courses where researchers, faculty and students benefit from our business journalism, often picking them for research, case studies. We hope you make the best use of the access. 

Browse online journals

The Economist

  Access to The Economist Online

  • Select the link above (The Economist)
  • Choose the option ''Economist Newspaper" 

Financial Times

When accessing for the first time you must register and create an account using the instruction below.

To use the Financial Times Online, you first need to register by visiting:

You will be prompted to 'Pick an account' – select or add your Oxford Single Sign On (SSO) account details.

  1. Your SSO username should be entered in the form 'abcd1234@OX.AC.UK' (do not use your SBS account details). 
  2. Scroll down the page to find the entry for Financial Times (
  3. Click the link to be taken to the registration page on the Financial Times website. The site will recognise you as a member of the University of Oxford.
  4. Use your University of Oxford email address (e.g. NOT to register on the Financial Times website..

You will receive an email containing a link to set up a password for your account. After setting up your account, you will have access to the Financial Times Online both on and off campus.


Ethnic Newswatch



Nexis UK

Nikkei Asia

THE: Times Higher Education

Wall Street Journal

E-version of the US Eastern Edition that is searchable and browseable through the ProQuest interface.
This is not the Wall Street Journal Online.