The Health Management Information Consortium (HMIC) database is a compilation of data from two sources, the Department of Health's Library and Information Services (DH-Data) and King’s Fund Information and Library Service.
HMIC uses the Ovid interface.
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Enter your search terms. Once you have found an article you are interested in click on the ‘Available in full text...’ link.
HMIC contains in excess of 174,000 records relating to health and social care management information. Coverage includes official publications, journal articles and grey literature on: health service policy, management and administration, with an emphasis on the British National Health Service; the quality of health services including hospitals, nursing, primary care and public health; the planning, design, construction and maintenance of health service buildings; occupational health; control and regulation of medicines; medical equipment and supplies; and social care and personal social services.
Specialties covered include:
Health Administration
Health Policy |
Health Systems & Services Management
Occupational & Environmental Medicine |
HMIC uses the Ovid interface. For a walk-through of how the Ovid interface works, please refer to our library guide below. We have also included links to additional resources.
Library Guide
Training Videos
Additional Resources