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Caribbean Studies: Official publications


Official publications include parliamentary papers and their equivalents; major documents on political, economic and social affairs (including development plans, annual departmental reports, census reports and annual statistical abstracts); and official collections of historical documents.

Official publications


Use the tabs above to know more about official publications for students of Caribbean studies. Access to collections and borrowing privileges are subject to conditions; please check individual library websites for further information.

Help with official publications

Use SOLO, Oxford Libraries' catalogue, to search for Official Papers relating to Caribbean countries in the Bodleian Libraries.

Below you will find key resouces for Caribbean studies.

Acquisition of official papers from principal Commonwealth countries is extensive, and in some cases the result of selective deposit. It generally includes parliamentary papers and their equivalents; major documents on political, economic and social affairs (including development plans, annual departmental reports, census reports and annual statistical abstracts); and official collections of historical documents.

The Bodleian Library acquires state- and province-level official publications selectively from certain Caribbean countries. The output of official publications from the smaller Caribbean states is much smaller, and acquisition is selective. Publications of some international organizations are received via the Official Papers Section, but otherwise are acquired as needed on the same criteria as other materials.

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