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Art and Architecture: Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library Holdings - Art Dealers' Catalogues

The Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library is the premier research library for the study of art, architecture and archaeology at Oxford. It incorporates multiple libraries previously housed in separate locations around the University.



All art dealers' catalogues held by the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library are listed on SOLO but although many are catalogued individually, a significant number are group-catalogued only. (See Group-cataloguing in the left column.) Any art dealers' catalogues received at the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library after c.2006 are catalogued individually on SOLO.

Locating art dealers' catalogues at the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library

Onsite collections: Individually catalogued and classified within the collection and thus shelved with monographs on related subjects.  Search SOLO with keywords from title, dealer's name and year.

Offsite collections: Either individually catalogued (search SOLO as above) or group-catalogued (see Group-cataloguing in the left column).  These catalogues may also be handlisted (see column on the right).

Key Resources

You can find art dealers' catalogues by browsing SOLO.

Use keyword searching (dealer name, word/s in catalogue title) plus year.
Example: colnaghi painting 2003


Can't find what you are looking for?

If you cannot locate the catalogue you want in SOLO it may have been group-catalogued. 

What is group-cataloguing?

A group-catalogued record is a very minimal level bibliographic record.  Group-cataloguing allows for boxes or runs of previously uncatalogued material to be recorded in SOLO.  The items in the boxes are not listed individually on SOLO, rather a group-catalogued record provides a title based entry which briefly describes the contents of each box.  Please see the document below relating specifically to the group-cataloguing of the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library's holdings of art dealers' catalogues, which details how you can locate them in SOLO.

Handlists for Art Dealers' Catalogues at the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library