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Case law: online resources for common law countries: N. Ireland

N. Irish citations


Neutral citations

UKSC Supreme Court of UK
UKHL House of Lords
NICA Northern Irish Court of Appeal
NICC Northern Irish Crown Court
NICh High Crt of Justice in N.I. Chancery D
NIFam High Crt of Justice in N.I. Family D
NIQB High Crt of Justice in N.I. Queen's Bench

N.I. High Court of Justice, Master's decisions


Report Series

NI is the preferred citation for Northern Ireland Law Reports, but you also encounter NILR

NIJB is the Northern Ireland Judgments Bulletin

Northern Irish Judgments

Print holdings of Northern Irish Law Report series

These are on open shelf, on Level 2, the entrance level to the Law Lirbary.
Their shelf marks begin Cw UK NI 100

For cases before 1925 try the Irish ReportsIrish Times Reports, or UK law reports series on other shelves on Level 2