Any item with a shelf mark beginning Philippines will be found on Floor 1.
LawBod shelves surveys of law (that is works looking at how a legal problem/legal topic etc is dealt with by various jurisdictions/legal systems) and comparative studies in the area with the shelf mark General. This is on Floor 2. Most are in English, and can be useful as introductions to the topic in a foreign jurisdiction
The Law Bod has a separate guide for this jurisdiction, see below.
The Law Library's collection of monographs are on Level 1 (one floor below the entrance level) accessible via both stairs and a lift.
There are two shelf marks those starting Cw Sri Lanka for works published since independence.
Cw Ceylon pub lished pre-independence. Example: H. W. Tambiah Sinhala Laws and Customs (1968) at Cw Ceylon 510 T155b
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