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China, Hong Kong and Macau: legal resources: Home

Subjects: Law, Law: Foreign Law

Purpose of this guide

This guide is intended for students and researchers studying the law and legal systems of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Macau at the University of Oxford, although students and researchers from any field may find it useful.

Use this guide to find out about sources and commentary for Chinese law, including ebooks, ejournals, and databases.

Law of the People's Republic of China: quick start

If you are new to this jurisdiction, the following may be helpful introduction

and the following could help with understanding the wider context

Holders of an Oxford SSO with language skills will find the following databases support their studies

The following subscription databases have commentary on Chinese law in English

Useful sites on the internet available to all

Printed resources

The Bodleian Law Library's collection of printed books on  PCR law have shelf marks starting  China. There are separate sections for Hong Kong and Taiwan. All the current collection is shelved on Level 1 - one floor below the entrance level.

Most of the commentary in print is in English, or includes a translation into a Western European language.

Please visit the Books page in this guide for further information.

If you are new to this jurisdiction, below are two titles which could help get you started. Both are available as ebooks to holders of an Oxford SSO. The first is also available in print on Level 1 of the Law Library.

Your search in SOLO (Oxford's online catalogue) may reveal useful titles are held in other parts of the Bodleian such as title below which is in The Bodleian K B Chen China Centre Library

or this title which is held by the Bodleian Social Science Library

Key Libraries