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Submitting your thesis to ORA: Eligibility and requirements


This section outlines the eligibility of degree theses, requirements for deposit, and information on when and what to deposit. There is also a handy checklist to confirm that you are ready to deposit.


  • ORA accepts thesis deposits from current students who have been granted leave to supplicate and Oxford alumni, as well as Oxford staff and researchers.
  • Theses examined for all postgraduate research degree programme and some taught masters degree programmes are eligible for deposit.
  • It is the author's responsibility to check that the inclusion of their thesis in ORA does not infringe copyright or any other rights, including those of material included in the thesis where copyright is held by a third party.
  • Authors must agree to the ORA deposit statement and to grant a non-exclusive licence to ORA.
  • Files submitted to ORA must be the final examined version, including corrections. Two copies should be submitted (one for dissemination and one for archiving).

Please see the sub-pages of this guide page for more information on these and other requirements for thesis deposits to ORA.

Mandatory deposits

PLEASE NOTE: Current students who have been granted leave to supplicate and who are following any of these Oxford programmes are required under Examination Regulations to deposit their final approved thesis to ORA in order to graduate:

  • Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.)
  • Master of Letters (M.Litt.)
  • Master of Science by Research (M.Sc. by Research)

Deposits should be made in good time, a minimum of five working days before your graduation date.