This section explains the process that your thesis deposit goes through after submission.
This page explains the embargoes that depositors can place on their thesis files when they submit to ORA.
This page details some benefits of open access for theses submissions
This page details some concerns that authors may have in making their work open access prior to traditional publication.
Restricted access to your thesis
This page details teh requirements and procedure for restricting access to some or all of your thesis for an extended period, through the dispensation from consultation process.
Edited/dissemination copy of your thesis
This page details how to create a redacted dissemination version of your thesis, and whether edits can be made after you have submitted your thesis.
Oxford Research Theses and predatory publishers
This page provides information for authors to keep in mind when seeking publication to avoid 'predatory' publishers.
Once you have completed the submission of your thesis to ORA, ORA review staff will be notified of the deposit to the archive. Your submission rests in a review area where ORA review staff check the details of the submission for accuracy and change/enhance information as required. The full text file attachments are also checked at this point to confirm required versions, under examination regulations, have been deposited and that the files are complete with no issues of corruption.
As a result of this check by ORA review staff there may be some communication required with you as depositor to confirm details, obtain the correct version of full text, etc.
After this initial review of the submitted information is made and the deposit is seen to be in compliance with exam regulations, ORA staff update your associated student record indicating that you have completed the submission of your thesis to the archive. Student administration use these details to confirm graduation day listings. ORA review staff at this stage also migrate the formdata from your deposit to ORA creating a record page for the work.
Once the record page has been migrated successfully to the public archive ORA review staff will send you an additional email confirming the deposit and provide a citable permanent link to your thesis record page. It is information form this record page that is used to create the subsequent links in SOLO and EthOS.
The full text file for your thesis will be placed under embargo until Open Access details can be confirmed with you via communication or any embargo periods applied to the work come to term.
ORA (Oxford University Research Archive) is the institutional repository for the University of Oxford and is home to the scholarly output of its research members.
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