Compiled by the clerks of each House, the Journals are a record of the daily proceedings, the business of the Houses. The Lords date from 1510- and the Commons 1547-. They record the progress of legislation, papers received etc. They are a formal, corrected archival record compiled following the end of a parliamentary session. They are not a record of speeches and debates (see Hansard)
A full set is available in print on the ground floor of the Bodleian Law Library. Please ask staff at the main desk in the Law Library for assistance as the Journals are kept in locked cases.
Journals of the House of Commons 1547-
Journals of the House of Lords 1510-
Available in digital format:
The 'Sessional Papers of the Eighteenth Century' are available in the Official Papers collection in print and at the UK Parliamentary Papers database. It is advisable to consult staff before using the print or digital sets. It acts as an index to salient papers published in the Journals.