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European & Scandinavian/Nordic countries: legal resources: Greece - Greenland - Guernsey

Subjects: Law, Law: Foreign Law


Items with shelf marks starting Greece can be found on Floor 3.


Danish colony until 1953

Then a constituency in the Danish Kingdom alongside the Faroe Islands

1979 referendum  63 % voted in for  Home Rule, and on May 1st, 1979, Greenland Home Rule was established.

2008 referendum on Self-Government Act gained 75 % approval

From June 21st 2009 Greenland has been an autonomous part of the Kingdom of Denmark.

As of Jan 2016 the following are still policy areas left to Danish institutions:

  • Justice affairs, including police, criminal procedures and the courts of law
  • Defence and National security
  • Financial sectors and monetary system e.g. the currency used in Greenland is Danish Kroner DKK
  • Civil right law e.g. family and succession, citizenship matters etc.
  • Foreign affairs


All the current material is shelved Floor 2.
Primary sources & journals have shelf marks starting Cw Guernsey, text books are in the subject arrangement with shelf marks K - KN, often with the geographic code G8 in the shelf mark.