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European & Scandinavian/Nordic countries: legal resources: Belgium

Subjects: Law, Law: Foreign Law

Belgian law

The official languages of Belgium are Dutch/Flemish, French (Walloon), and German. The choice of French language links below is solely a reflection of the restricted language skills of the guide writer.

Bar associations / law societies / courts/ ministry of justice check any/ all of above  and feel free to expand this list!

Common abbreviations

Belgisch Staatsblad (B.S.) or Moniteur Belge (M.B.)

Arrêts de la Cour de Cassation / Arresten van het Hof van Cassatie (Arr. Cass.)

Pasicrisie belge : recueil général de la jurisprudence des cours de Belgique (Pas.)

Belgian Law in print

The collection of printed materials on Belgian law (legislation, cases, journals 2000- and texts) is shelved in the Gallery, upstairs from the Main Reading Room.

Shelfmarks start Belgium (followed by combination of numbers and letters).

Original editor of Belgian Law Guide

Kathryn Tyne, Senior Library Assistant (Reference, Reserve Collection & Document Delivery) was the original creator of the LawBod's guide to Belgian law.

Her work is currently being reassembled here.