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Hertford College Library: Services for disabled readers

Getting the best out of the library

The Library aims to support all readers in using the collections, study spaces and staff support available at Hertford. Any readers who would like to discuss how we can best support them are encouraged to contact the Librarian by phone on 01865 279409 or by email.

Library staff are here to provide introductory tours for new members and research skills support. Sessions can be organised to suit individual requirements. You can contact library staff to request a session or to ask for support at any time during your studies at Hertford.

Library membership

Readers with disabilities or learning difficulties are offered the following extended membership:

  • Term time loans 4 weeks, renewable online via SOLO library catalogue or by emailing the Library
  • Vacation loans for all of vacation, renewable online via SOLO library catalogue or by emailing the Library
  • Overdue fines are not charged
  • Book allowance as many as you like at once
  • Renewals are automatic, unless someone else requests to use the book.
  • Books requested by another reader must be returned by their due date. You will receive an email alert about this.

Readers with a student support plan from the Disability Advisory Service will be given this membership. Readers without a support plan or who are waiting for one to be created can contact the Librarian directly to update their membership.

Book delivery service

Sometimes it's hard to get to resources that are housed in the Library. If you are unable to access the Library then staff can arrange to deliver books to you. Library staff can:

  • deliver books to your pidge in the student post room or to the Lodge
  • prepare books ready for collection by a support worker
  • deliver books to another college site or Oxford library
  • collect or return books on your behalf from other Oxford libraries

If you would like to request this service please contact the Library. Staff will aim to fulfill requests by the end of the next working day.

Wellbeing and study skills selection

The Library wellbeing and study skills book section offers a selection of books on study skills methods and self care books, which can be borrowed confidentially. Suggestions for new books for this section are very welcome!

Shelf of wellbeing and study skills books