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Disability History Resources: Resources by Topic

A guide to information resources for the study of disability history


The resources on these pages have been organised by broad 'topic' to help you find the resources you need as easily and quickly as possible, but you can also navigate these resources by format or by time period.

We have included as topics both named disabilities and other related subjects such as medical technologies and war trauma in an attempt to provide as wide a base of knowledge as possible.

We welcome feedback and suggestions for additional resources. We are particularly looking for recommendations of resources on the history of anxiety, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, mutism, and speech impairments.

Top resource

Front page of History of Disabilities, showing a search box with a colour background of some of the content in the resource, e.g The Battle Creek Sanitarium


Below are some useful resources to help determine the appropriate terminology related to different disabilities through time.