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If you are interested in searching for articles on your topic, click on the tab Oxford's online resources.
You can use SOLO to find journal titles and articles. Please see our top tips below or for more information see the SOLO Help guide.
Here's a sample of e-journals available for Archaeology.
You can access e-journals from the PCs in the Library or any other PC on the University network. If you have a University card, you can access e-journals from any internet connection using your Single Sign On.
Students on short courses can use SOLO to search for free, open access journal articles. When you have done a search for your topic, use the Show Only filter and select Open Access.
JSTOR offers a service called MyJSTOR, which allows you free online access to six articles per month from home. Anyone can register for a free account at https://www.jstor.org/register.
Further information on Open access resources is available from the Guide to current library services for students on short courses.
A citation to a journal article will include several pieces of key information:
e.g. Meaden, G. Terence, 2017. Drombeg Stone Circle, Ireland, analyzed with respect to sunrises and lithic shadow-casting for the eight traditional agricultural festival dates and further validated by photography. Journal of Lithic Studies, 4(4), pp. 1-17
You can search SOLO by
The Continuing Education Library has current subscriptions to the following key Archaeological journal titles in print format:
All our journals are catalogued on SOLO.
Journals are all for use in the Library only. Current issues are displayed on the periodical stand in the Reading Room while back issues may be found in the Archaeology sequence of the periodicals section in the Lower Library.