We have a collection of over 70,000 books which we are continuously updating to support you, as a member of St Hilda's College, in your studies.
There are normally three of us in the library team plus our friendly college archivist! We're happy to assist you wherever we can - please come and ask any of us or email library@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk.
The Library is not open to members of other Oxford colleges and other Bodleian Libraries readers. If you have an enquiry about a resource that is only available at St Hilda's Library please contact the librarian via library@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk or phone 01865 276849.
The College Library houses over 70,000 academic books across all the subjects studied at undergraduate level, with multiple copies of the most heavily-used items. We also hold an increasing number of books to support taught graduate courses.
See the subjects we cover, their classmark and where to find them in the Library in the Finding Books section.
The Library holds a collection of popular fiction and non-fiction, wellbeing, study skills and other books of general interest, which can be found in the Library IT Room on the lower ground floor, at classmark 800. All of these items can be borrowed in the same way as academic books.
The Library holds a small but significant collection of around 600 rare books, covering the 15th century to the present day. It is made up of donations, most notably by Dorothea Beale (1831-1906), the founder of St Hilda's College, and of books that were part of the Library’s original collection. The collection is miscellaneous, with strengths in history, classics and literature.
A handlist is available upon request. The collection is currently being catalogued onto SOLO. If you would like to know more about the collection or consult any of our rare books, please send us an email or visit the enquiry desk during opening hours.
Journals, also known as periodicals or serials, are the main forum through which academic research findings are published, reviewed and critiqued. Journals, therefore, allow you to keep up to date with new developments in your discipline, and to learn about very specialised or specific topics in great depth. Most journals can be accessed online - find them by searching for the journal title on SOLO. Find out more about online resources in our e-resources section.
We subscribe to a number of journals in print, you can find the latest copies, in the IT room and Sheila Nemet room, of:
We hold backdated issues of these and other journals. To find these journals, search for the journal title on SOLO to get the classmark.
Journals may be consulted in the Library or signed out for one day at the enquiry desk.
We hold a small number of Foreign Language DVDs. These can be issued using the self-service machine but the disk must be collected from the library desk during staffed hours.
01865 276849
Eleanor Kelly - Librarian
Rosie Tombs - Deputy Librarian
Arabella Drake - Library Assistant
Olly Mahony - Archivist
01865 276882
7.15am - 1am
9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday