Use the tabs above to understand how the Law Bod's collection is arranged. There is an Enquiry Desk on Level 2, just as you enter the main Reading Room: please do come and have a word if you are having any difficulty in using the library.
Looking for a Reading List title?
When you search SOLO for books on your Oxford Law Faculty Reading List you may find that the location is shown as Law Library Reserve Collection. Books in this collection must be asked for at the Enquiry Desk on Level 2. Please remember to bring your Oxford University Card or your Bodleian Reader's Card when you come to the Desk.
Note. The books in the Reserve Collection are available to all categories of readers, not just those on the particular course.
The Law Library's collection is fully catalogued on SOLO, Oxford University's online resource discovery tool.
General subject searches to start with are
Law -- Philosophy
Alternatively, you could add philosophy after a legal topic eg Private law - philosophy.
But there are a range of more specific subjects which may suit your interest more. For example
Law -- Interpretation and construction
Law - Language
Law - political aspects
Law and economics
Law and ethics
Feminist jurisprudence
Semiotics (Law)
Semantics ( Law )
Sociological Jurisprudence
For those wishing to learn more about using searches, we recommend the following:
A normal search of SOLO will find both print and (when available) the ebook version of jurisprudence and philosophy titles.
You can filter the results of a SOLO search to just online materials via the View only option in the left hand column. This is useful if you are looking for something to read out of library hours, or when away from Oxford.
When you are on a taught course of jurisprudence at Oxford University most of the books of interest to you will be shelved on Level 2, the entrance level to the Law Bod. But they may be in separate areas of the book cases.
Please ask at the Enquiry Desk for directions when you are next in the Law Library!
Looking for a Reading List title?
When you search SOLO for books on your Reading List look out for instances where the location is shown as Law Library Reserve Collection.
Jurisprudence books in this collection have shelf marks beginning KA. If you would like to read any ot these books, please come to the Enquiry Desk - with your University or Bodleian Reader's Card - and ask for the titles from the staff there.
Note. The books in the Reserve Collection are available to all categories of readers, not just those on the particular course.
Principal current collection is on Level 2.
The largest collection of legal philosophy books in the Law Library have shelf marks beginning Jurisp. Within this collection the books are arranged by author or editor - with the exception of some grouping of books relating to the works of particular philosophers. The works by the philosopher him or herself are shelved first, then follow any festschrifts or works by others interpreting the life and work of the philosopher.
For example
Kelsen's own Reine Rechtslehre : Einleitung in die Rechtswissenschaftliche problematik is at Jurisp 510 K29d1
Normativity and norms : critical perspectives on Kelsenian themes is at Jurisp 510 K29yP332
Note: This collection is being converted to the Moys classification scheme, which means the most recent jurisprudence books may have shelf marks beginning KA. These are also shelved on Level 2, a couple of bays away from the Jurisp run. Please ask at the Law Enquiry Desk if you are having any difficulty finding things.
Superseded editions
On the ground floor the Law Bod holds its "secondary collection" - (sec coll) suffix to shelf marks. This is predominately superseded or previous editions. It is also an open shelf collection, and readers are welcome to access it (via either stairs or the lift). There is seating for readers and a PCAS machine on this floor, but readers are welcome to take items to another floor of the library.
In addition to searching SOLO, readers may find the following online bibliographies helpful.
If the Bodleian Libraries don't have the book you are looking for, we may be able to source it through Oxford's inter-library request service.