Roman-Dutch Law (Roomsch Hollandsch Recht)
This is the name applied to legal system of the province of Holland between c1450-c1830. It also sailed with the Dutch trading companies (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC)/Dutch East India Company and Geoctrooieerde Westindische Compagnie (GWC)/Dutch West India Company) to parts of Africa, Ceylon, East Indies and Latin America the world where, in some instances, it remained part of the working law after it had been replaced in the Netherlands.
Works with shelf marks beginning Roman Dutch can be found on Level 2, after the Roman law monographs.
Resources available to anyone with access to the internet
The chief administrator of the VOC's Asian territories was the Governor-General in Batavia (now Jakarta); the Raad van Indië, also known as the Hoge Regering or High Government was made up of other VOC officials. The plakaats (regulations) issued were in 1642 published ina a collection called Statuten van Batavia.
The VOC also established a law court (Raad van Justitie) in Batavia to handle all cases involving the Company or its servants (their families and slaves) and legal disputes between Company men and others. In 1798 it became the Hooge Raad van Justitie for all other VOC overseas courts.