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Australia: legal resources: Home

Purpose of this guide

This guide is intended for students and researchers studying the law and legal system of Australia at the University of Oxford, although students and researchers from any field may find it useful.

Use this guide to find out about sources and commentary for Australian law, including ebooks, ejournals, and databases.

Australian law: quick start

The Law Bod has subscriptions to legal databases to support research in Australian law: for licensing reasons access is limited to current OU students & faculty members with an Oxford Single Sign On. Principal examples can be reached via links below. 
For more specific guides, please visit other pages in this guide via the tabs above.

Key Australian legal websites available to all with access to the internet:

The Law Bod's collection is spread over four floors, connected by both stairs and a lift. This guide will help you undercover Australian legal materials whether in print or online. There is also a staffed Enquiry Desk just beyond the library's electronic gates on Level 2- please come and ask if you have any questions about or difficulties in using the library. Note: the entire collection is reference only - there is no lending.

The current collection of books examining Australian law are included in the subject arrangement of books on Level 2 of the Bodleian Law Library, in the shelf mark range KB to KN. For more information, see the page Law books in this guide.

The print collection of Australian legislation is now of historic interest only, but is available on Level 1, one floor beneath the entrance level. Please the Constitution and Legislation pages - Federal  and/or State and Territory - in this guide for help with online access.

The print collection of Australian law reports are on Level 1, one floor beneath the entrance level. The series with federal coverage form one sequence. There are some law reports specific to individual states and territories. These have shelf marks  which include abbreviations of the state names eg. Cw Austral NSW 100 for New South Wales Law Reports. For more information and details of online access please see the Cases pages in this guide.Our print collection of Australian Law Journals volumes 2000 to date are on Level 1. Earlier issues of Australian journals are on the Ground Floor.  For more information please see the Journals page in this guide