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Visiting archives in Germany: a guide to discovering and using them: Municipal and local archives

This guide is designed to help you finding your way through German archives and to enable you identifying exactly what you need for your research - quick and easy.

Regional Web Portals for Municipal or District Archives

Stadtarchiv Rostock
Rostock, City Archive

Not all municipal or district archives have a web page. In order to get some information on these archives - just the address for instance - it is best to have a look at the regional web portals listed below. Those towns and districts whose archives already have a website are listed in the box on the right.



Municipal and District Archives

Alphabetical list of Municipal Archives that have a web page:

A - C

D - F

G - J

K - M

N - R

S - Z

City Archive Cologne, 3. März 2009

Cologne City Archive after the collapse,
March 3 2009