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Visiting archives in Germany: a guide to discovering and using them: Glossary

This guide is designed to help you finding your way through German archives and to enable you identifying exactly what you need for your research - quick and easy.

From A to Z

Archivists use a highly specialised language - in every country.

On the right there is a list of some of the more important German terms including a translation and explanation in English.

For a more extensive overview of German archival have a look at these books:

(1) Dictionary of Archival Terminology. Dictionnaire de terminologie archivistique. English and French. With Equivalents in Dutch, German, Italian, Russian an Spanish (ICA Handbooks Series 3), ed. by Peter Walne, München et al. 1984.

It's a bit older but does not only translate but also explain.


(2) Keith R. Allen & Dirk Ullmann: Fach-English für Archivare. Mit Vokabellisten, Formulierungshilfen und Schaubildern, Berlin 2011.



Ablieferungsliste, Ablieferungsverzeichnis - transfer list, checklist: A list, usually for an individual accession, prepared by the transferring agency for purposes of identification and control.

Akte - file: An organised unit (folder, volume etc.) of documents grouped together either for current use or in the process of archival arrangement

Aktenbildner -  lit. 'file-builder':  The place where documents or files were created, the term is used for instance to denote the origins of archival holdings.

Archivsprengel - jurisdiction of archives: The area whose institutions transfer their record to one particular archive.

Ausheben - production, charge out: The act of removing/recording the removal from storage of documents within an archive.

Aushebezeiten - lit. 'production times': The times of day, when documents will be charged out in an archive.

Benutzungsantrag - application form for users: The form has to be filled out in order to be granted access to the holdings of a particular archive.

Benutzungsordnung - access regulations

Bestand - archive group: The varius collections of an archive, i.e. the primary division in the arrangement of archives at the level of independent originating unit.

Beständeübersicht - guide to holdings: A list detailing the various holdings of an archive.

Birthler-Behörde - Agency of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records, aka Gauck-Behörde or Jahn-Behörde: Archive preserving the Records of the State Security Service (Stasi) of the former German Democratic Republic.

Blatt -  leaf: A sheet of paper or parchement each side of which is referred to as a page.

Büschel (or Faszikel) - bundel: A storage unit consisting of a number of individual documents, normally tied together by string or the like.

Depositum - deposit: The placing of documents in the custody of archives, also, the documents covered by a single such deposit.

Faszikel (or Büschel) - bundel: A storage unit consisting of a number of individual documents, normally tied together by string or the like.

Findbuch - finding aid: A document listing or describing a body of records.

Fraktur - Gothic print: Up until the early 20th century the most common typeface used in Germany.

Gauck-Behörde - Agency of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records, aka Birthler-Behörde or Jahn-Behörde: Archive preserving the Records of the State Security Service (Stasi) of the former German Democratic Republic.

Gebührenordnung - list of charges: A document detailing the various fees or charges for copies, reproductions etc.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv - Secret State-archives: Historic name of the Prussian state-archives.

Hauptstaatsarchiv - main state archives: The main archives of various German states are called thus.

hs., Handschrift - ms, manuscript: A handwritten or typed document.

Jahn-Behörde - Agency of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records, aka Gauck-Behörde or Birthler-Behörde: Archive preserving the Records of the State Security Service (Stasi) of the former German Democratic Republic.

Karton - box: A storage container intended to protect and facilitate the shelving.

Kassation, kassieren - destruction, destroy: The disposal of documents of no further value.

Klassifikation - classification: The placing of records and documents within the archives' filing system.

Kurrentschrift - Kurrent: A form of German handwriting commonly used up until the early decades of the 20th century.

Landesarchiv - state archives: The main archives of various German states are called thus.

laufende Meter, lfm - linear/running metres: A measurement of shelf space occupied by records.

Laufzeit - date of creation, operating time: The time covered by a particular file or archive group.

Ms., Manuskript - ms, manuscript: A handwritten or typed document.

Öffnungszeiten - opening times

Paginierung - pagination: The act of numbering the pages in a document and the results of this action.

Pertinenz, Pertinenzprinzip - pertinence, principle of pertinence: A system, now rejected, for the arrangement of archives in terms of the records subject content regardless of their provenance and orginal order.

Provenienz, Provenienzprinzip - provenance, principle of provenance: The basic principle that records/archives of the same origin must not be intermingled with those of any other origin; often referred to as "respect des fonds".

recto, r - front: The front of a sheet of paper, parchment etc.

Regalmeter - linear/running metres: A measurement of shelf space occupied by records.

Regest - brief: A summary, abstract, or abridgement of a document.

Repertorium - descreptive list: A finding aid in the form of a list containing brief details of individual items.

Reproduktion - reproduction: An exact copy of a document in content and form but not necessarily in size and appearance.

Signatur - reference number: The unique number assigned to an item to facilitate its storage and retrieval.

Schutzfrist, Sperrfrist - restriction period: The period of time between the creation of a file or document at its becoming accessible to users in an archive (generally 30 years, other periods apply to personally identifiable information or secret documents).

Staatsarchiv - state archive: The main archives of various German states are called thus.

Sütterlin - Sütterlin: The most common form of German handwriting (Kurrent) used up until the early decades of the 20th century.

Tektonik - plan of record groups: An archives' system of arranging its holdings.

Titel - title: The title is devised by an archivist to describe a single item or file.

verso, v - back: The back of a sheet of paper, parchment etc.

Zugang - accession: The recording of the formal acceptance into custody of an acquisition.



The translations and definitions are mainly based on the Dictionary of Archival Terminology. Dictionnaire de terminologie archivistique. English and French. With Equivalents in Dutch, German, Italian, Russian an Spanish (ICA Handbooks Series 3), ed. by Peter Walne, München et al. 1984.