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Human Rights: Europe

European Human Rights Protection

The Council of Europe was established in 1948. 

Article 3 of the Statute of the Council of Europe (ETS No 001):
'Every member of the Council of Europe must accept the principles of the rule of law and of the enjoyment by all persons within its jurisdiction of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and collaborate sincerely and effectively in the realisation of the aim of the Council as specified in Chapter I.' 

Under the Council two major human rights instruments have been made. 

Sources requiring an Oxford SSO

On Level 3 of the Law Library there are holdings of the following:

European Commission of Human Rights, decisions and reports (D.R.) - Classmark: Internat 150 E41.

European Court of Human Rights Judgments (Decision and Pleadings, Series A & B) - Classmark: Internat 150 E45

European Human Rights Report (EHRR) - Classmark: Internat 150 E60. Also available to OU members on Westlaw Edge UK

European Court of Human Rights, Series A:  judgments and decisions - Classmark: Internat 150 E44

European Court of Human Rights, Series B: Pleadings - Classmark: Internat 150 E45

Looking for a Reading List title?

It may be in the collection called the Law Reserve. A clue will be if the shelf mark begins KC. Two examples are below.
When you need to read a book in this collection, just come to the Law Enquiry Desk with your University or Bodleian Reader's Card and ask for it there. You may keep it for the rest of the day, but it may not be taken out of the Library. We ask you to return it to the Enquiry Desk when you have finished consulting it.

The majority of books in this topic will be on Level 3, with shelf marks beginning Internat 570 or Internat 575

Specialist law journals

European Human Rights Law Review Call Number: Internat 300 E50

European Journal of International Law Call Number: Internat 300 E60

Note Journals with shelf marks beginning Internat 300 can be found

on level 3 (one floor above then entrance level) if the volume is 2000 or later

on the ground floor (two floors beneath the entrance levels) if the volume is 1999 or older


Other HUDOC searchable databases

In addition to HUDOC ECHR & HUDOC EXEC there are the following specialist databases:

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