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OxLibris: Online resources

Information about the OxLibris scheme for local Oxfordshire state school sixth form pupils.

What is available?

The Oxford Libraries Catalogues (SOLO) is available at:

You will only be able to see online resources that the University of Oxford has in SOLO. This type of resource is identified by a green circle under the journal name or book/article title. Most of these online resources are ebooks and online journals.

For example:

During the library sessions the full text of most items can be viewed and saved to USB or emailed to yourself within copyright limits (one article per journal issue or one chapter from a book).

How do I search for a journal article?

To search for a specific journal article or to search across articles by subject select the 'Articles' search option from the drop down menu next to the search box.  You will be able to view most online articles with green circles during library sessions.  You will not be able to use any articles with orange circles.


How do I search by journal title?

Select the ‘Search Everything’ or ‘All Libraries/Collections’ options from the drop-down menu.

You may see up to three versions of the same journal. The print version, the online access version shown with a green circle, and another electronic version, always shown with an orange coloured circle. 

You will be able to use most items with a green circle during the library sessions. Ignore the items with an orange circle - you will not be able to use these during either type of session.