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Lady Margaret Hall Library: Video Inductions

Hello, New Students!

We look forward to welcoming you to LMH Library. As a member of LMH you have access to our library 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, as opposed to the central Bodleian and departmental libraries (which are only open during staffed hours). You’re also allowed to borrow more books from us than most other libraries, for more generous loan periods. We particularly welcome new book suggestions – which we normally buy more quickly than any of the central libraries.

You are expected to attend an in-person library induction during Freshers week in which we show you how to use the library and the online catalogue, and where the books for your subject are. If you will be unable to attend your induction, or you would like to prepare in advance, you can watch the induction videos below.

LMH Library Guide & Tour

LMH Library Guide & Tour is the main video introduction to using the library: it tells you how many books you’re allowed to borrow for how long, how to use the self-service machine to borrow and return books, and where to find your subject's books. It also features a lot of cat photos!

SOLO: LMH Library Catalogue

SOLO: LMH Library Catalogue goes in-depth into how to use the catalogue (SOLO) to search for books – it’s a slightly odd system, and this should explain the peculiarities! SOLO is used by all Oxford libraries, so this will aid you in using LMH Library as well as the Bodleian or departmental libraries.

Welcome to the Bodleian Libraries

The Bodleian has also made a video, introducing you to their central library services.

Contact the Library

By email or phone:

The librarian, Jamie

Jamie Fishwick-Ford
(Librarian, they/them)

Contact Jamie for appointments to visit the library or to request new books for the library.
(01865) 274361

Sally Hamer
(Assistant Librarian, she/her)

Contact Sally with any queries or problems, to renew your books, or discuss lost books and lost property.
 (01865) 274236

A picture of Isambard, a brown-grey Siberian forest cat.

(Librarian's Cat, he/any)

Visit Issy in Jamie's office 3 or 4 days a week, if you need a break or are missing your pets at home!

In person: 

Our offices are located on the middle floor of Lady Margaret Hall Library, Norham Gardens, Oxford, OX2 6QA