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United States: legal resources: Constitutions

Finding the text of the US Constitution & US state constitutions

The  US Constitution is published for convenience in Vol. 1 of United States Code and in the “Constitution” volumes of United States Code Annotated.

Each state has its own constitution normally published (for convenience) in one of the volumes of the state code of laws. They can usually be found on one of the official websites of the state government.   

Official Opinions of the Attorney General

 "Under the Judiciary Act of 1789, the Attorney General was authorized to render opinions on questions of law when requested by the President and the heads of Executive Branch departments.  This authority is now codified at 28 U.S.C. §§ 511-513.  Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 510, the Attorney General has delegated to the Office of Legal Counsel responsibility for preparing the formal opinions of the Attorney General, rendering opinions and legal advice to the various Executive Branch agencies, assisting the Attorney General in the performance of his function as legal adviser to the President, and rendering opinions to the Attorney General and the heads of the various organizational units of the Department of Justice.  28 C.F.R. § 0.25." (USDOJ website, viewed 23 November 2012

You may find these cited as Op. Att'y Gen.
Print  volumes 1791-1982 are at USA 120 A30 (sec coll)

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