Open access for older case law
Please note, the Law Bod no longer has any active subscription to periodicals of Italian case law in print. For cases decided since 2005 please see section on online resources
Il Foro italiano : raccolta generale di giurisprudenza civile, commerciale, penale, amministrativa
v.1(1876)-v.69(1944/1946) are in the secondary collection
v.70(1947)-v.117(1994) are in the current collection at Italy 100 F727
Il Massimario del Foro italiano. v.1(1930)-v.72(2003) Italy 100 F728
Il Repertorio del Foro italiano (1947)-(2003) Italy 100 F729
Giustizia civile rivista mensile di giurisprudenza v.1(1953)-v.55(2005) Italy 100 G53
Giustizia civile Massimario annotato della cassazione v.5(1955)-v.44(2005) Italy 100 G54
The highest court is the Corte di Cassazione, located in Rome.
It hears appeals on issues of law coming from the second-instance courts (see below) and also decides questions on judicial procedure. For particularly difficult cases it can sit “a sezioni unite.” Cass : the abbreviation used in citations of cases decided by this court.
Courts of Second Instance
Corte di appello: hears appeals from the Courts of First Instance, enforcement of foreign decisions, some competition matters. Like the Corte di Cassazione it has 3 sections civil, criminal and labour law
C.A. or C.App. abbreviation used to cite court of appeal cases, usually followed by the city in which the court sits in ( )
Corte d’assise d’appello: as its name indicates, hears appeals from the Corte d’Assise (criminal law).
Courts of First Instance
Tribunale: general court of first instance (both civil and criminal), but can also hear appeals against the decisions of the Giudice di Pace.
Giudice di Pace: minor cases.
Tribunale per i minorenni: juvenile (under 18) court, hearing both civil and criminal cases.
Corte d’assise: criminal cases
Administrative law
Consiglio di Stato (Council of State) appeal court for administrative matters
Tribunali Amministrativi Regionali – TAR
Public Accounts & Tax
Corte dei Conti (State Auditors' Department)
Commissioni Tributarie Provinciali
Commissioni Tributarie Distrettuali
Glossary of common terms
Massime - case abstracts
Repertori - digests
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