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Canada : legal resources: Quebec

Quebec : a province with a unique legal inheritance

Reflecting its French inheritance, Quebec has a civil code, based on the Code Napoléon, for matters of private law. It is the common law or Anglo-American legal tradition which is behind its administrative and criminal law systems.

Quebec is a hybrid jurisdiction: it applies civil law principles (reflecting its French inheritance) to private relationships while common law tradition guides its administrative and criminal law systems.


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Lois refondues du Québec (1979 - )

Cw Can Qu 30

Statutes of Quebec (1867/68-1999)

Cw Can Qu 10

Cases on Level 1

Recueils de Jurisprudence du Quebec (1976/7 -  ) Cw Can Qu 100 R32

Commentary: Journals

Level 1 For issues from 2000 to date Ground Floor for earlier years.

The McGill Law Journal (1952 - ) Cw Can 300 M20
La Revue du Barreau du Quebec (1941 - ) Cw Can 300 R40

Commentary: Monographs

C1  on third line of shelf mark indicates Canada.
QUE is sometimes used on the third line to be more specific.


There is no special shelfmark for this jurisdiction in Moys.

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