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Manuscripts: Early Modern: The Quarto Catalogues

Exploring the Quarto Catalogues


What are the Quartos?

The following catalogues are known collectively as the 'Quarto' catalogues, because of their size. They are listed below in alphabetical order, omitting vols. VI-VIII which cover Oriental manuscripts.

The Quarto catalogues cover the manuscript collections:

Ashmole, Canonici, Digby, Greek Manuscript, Laud, Rawlinson and Tanner

They are written, variously, in Latin, Greek, Italian and English


The majority of these catalogues have been digitized. The digitized copies are available via SOLO (Oxford Libraries' Catalogue). You will find a link to the SOLO entry for each Quarto volume in the list below.

These catalogues are also all available on the open shelves in the special collections reading rooms.


Each catalogue has its own index. There is an amalgamated card index in the Rare Books and Manuscripts Reading Room covering all the volumes; please ask a member of staff on duty for assistance.



Greek and Latin [Quarto vol. III] and Italian [Quarto vol. XI]

Digitized copies available via the links below.


Quarto vol. IX. Reprinted with corrigenda and very extensive addenda by R. W. Hunt and A. G. Watson (Oxford, 1999).

Digitized copy available via the link below.

Greek Manuscripts

Quarto vol. I.

Digitized copy available via the link below.


Quarto vol. II. The edition of 1858-85 was reprinted by the Library in 1973, with numerous corrections and additions, and an historical introduction by R. W. Hunt.

Digitized copy available via the link below.


Quarto vol. V

Digitized copies of all five volumes (fascicules) of the Rawlinson catalogue are available via the links below (which all point to the single SOLO entry for all five volumes).


Quarto vol. IV

The catalogue of the Tanner Manuscripts is available in Bodleian Archives & Manuscripts

A Digitized copy of the printed Quarto catalogue is available via the link below.