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Classics for Continuing Education: Latin

A guide to Library resources for Classical Studies.

Continuing Education collections

Books on Latin language and literature, Roman history and culture are on the lower floor of the Library. Reference books such as dictionaries and encyclopedias can be found in the Jessup Reading Room. Key numbers are:

292   Roman Religion & Mythology     872   Latin Plays: Comedy & Tragedy                                                   
470-477   Latin Language 873 Latin Prose
870 Latin Literature 937 Roman History
871 Latin Poetry    


Many e-books purchased by Bodleian Libraries are available and can be found on SOLO. You can access the content of these on PCs in the Library or in the Resource room at Ewert House. For more information about e-books, see Oxford LibGuide on ebooks.

Here is a selection of titles:

Oxford's online resources

You can find useful e-resources via on Databases A-Z.

Free online resources

You can find many good quality, free resources on the internet. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:


The Rewley House Continuing Education Library does not subscribe to any printed journals in this subject. However, many electronic journals are available through PCs in the Library and in the Resource Room at Ewert House. Titles include:

The Classical Quarterly

Greece and Rome

The Classical World

The Cambridge Classical Journal: proccedings of the Cambridge Philological Society

Classical Philology

The Classical Review

The Classical Bulletin

The Classical museum: a journal of philology, and of ancient history and literature.


Finding articles

In addition to Google Scholar and Articles tab on SOLO, there are databases you can use to search for articles, including the following:

L'Année Philologique


Public Library resources

Reference material

Most public library authorities give members access to a range of online reference material. You can access much of this at home using your public library card.

Oxfordshire's Reference Online resources includes:

Other public library services will provide similar resources. Find your lcoal library service on the UK.Gov website

Journal articles

Access to Research logoAccess to Research is an initiative which provides free access to academic e-journals in public libraries. Note that you cannot access them at home, only in libraries. You can find a full list of partcipating libraries as well as information about the journals included on the Access to Research website