Apart from the items mentioned in the highlights, the Slavonic holdings of the Taylorian offer an eclectic range of rare items in a variety of Slavonic languages. There is for instance a magnificent Pressburg prayer-book (1790) (ARCH.A.C126.790(1)).
A little further on along the shelf we find a German-Czech lexicon (1799) (ARCH.A.C166.799). There are several Sorbian items including a translation of the Unterredung der Seelen mit Jesuby Ludwig Treviranus (1756) (ARCH.A.G121.756) and another translation by August Hersen of a selection of hymns by Nikolaus von Zinzendorf and other Moravian brothers into German Ton loss teje newesty Jesussoweje we njekotrych evangeliskich sserskich stuczkach (1750) (ARCH.A.G121.750). This last item was donated by Dr Gerald Stone in 1978.
There is a charming Polish-French phrase-book (Bardzo łatwe rozmowy dla chcacych sie uczyc Polskiego y Francuskiego jezyka =Très-faciles dialogues pour ceux qui apprennent les langues polonoise & françoise(1790)..
These items reflect the wide-ranging Slavonic interests of the Morfill collection and its interest not just in Russian but in other less well-known Slavonic languages such as Sorbian.