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3D Printing and Scanning: 3D Modelling Software

This guide give you information on 3D printing and scanning services provided by the Radcliffe Science Library, along with links to helpful 3D printing, scanning, and modelling resources and tips.

3D Printing Services

Due to unexpected circumstances we need to pause the service temporarily. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Please note that our 3D printing service is only available to members of Oxford University. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to offer printing services to external organisations, businesses or private individuals.

3D Modelling Books

3D Modelling Software - Create a new model or modify an existing one

Use one of these tools to create new 3D models or modify exisiting ones:

3D Modelling Software - Check your model before printing

Before you try to print a 3D model that you have created or modified, use one of these tools to check for any problems with your model that might prevent you from being able to print it successfully:

Other 3D Software