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SOLO - Search Oxford Libraries Online: Your account

Please note

SOLO will log you out after 30 minutes of inactivity. If you are using a public computer such as a quick search machine in a library remember to sign out when you have finished your search.

Your account

How do I sign in to SOLO?

Which password and username should I use?

Once signed in you will see loan periods personalised to you

How do I renew my books?

How do I export citations?

How do I save and view searches and records?

Bodleian Libraries loan and reservation policy

How do I sign into SOLO?

If you are not signed into SOLO, you will only see an item's location, rather than whether an item can be borrowed or for how long. It is always best to sign in first as you get a better service from SOLO.

You will need to sign into SOLO to:

  • see whether an item can be borrowed and for how long
  • place requests for items in offsite storage and to reserve items which are on loan to other readers
  • view the full range of articles from our subscription resources
  • save items to your favourites and save search queries
  • see your loan status and the progress of scans and inter-library requests

To sign in go to and choose Sign In in the top right hand corner.

Image showing that the option to sign in is at the top far right of the SOLO page

Which password and username should I use?

Current members of Oxford University who have a University card with a blue stripe       Image of University card

Choose Oxford SSO and sign on with your Oxford Single Sign On username and password. This is the username and password used by most colleges and departments for email. The username is nearly always in the format abcd1234. If you have forgotten your SSO or need help with it, please visit IT Services' 'Your accounts' web page.

Other readers should choose non-Oxford members and sign on with your library card barcode number and library password. For more details on your Library password, including information about setting up your library password and resetting forgotten passwords, please see the Library account and passwords web page.

Once signed in you will see loan periods personalised to you

Please note that you can only borrow from libraries where you are a member, for example, the Bodleian Libraries and your college library.
Image showing that the loan policy is personalised to you once you have signed in

How do I renew my books?

From the loans tab in your account, select 'renew all' or 'renew' for individual items: 

Image showing that you can renew all your books at once by ticking the box above your list on the left. Or by clicking 'Renew all' on the right.

Some non-Bodleian libraries do limit the number of renewals, so 'renew all' should be used with caution. 


How do I export citations?

For each item in SOLO, you will find a three-dot menu which you click to export citations:

Image showing how to export individual citations from SOLO

How do I save and view searches and records?
Sign into your account to save records and searches from each browser session. If you do not sign in, you can only save records and searches for the immediate session you are on. You will still be able to export saved records.

Image showing hot to save search queries

  • To view saved searches, records and search history click on the 'search history' icon, which is available at the top of the screen on the right or from the drop down menu which is available once you have signed in. Likewise, click on the 'pin' icon to see which records you have pinned to favourites.
    Image showing that you can see your saved searches, records and search history when you click on the search history icon
  • Once in your Favourites, you can unpin items so they are no longer in your Favourites, label items, export items and sort them.

Image showing your Favourites

  • Labelling favourites

Image showing you can categorise your favourites by using labels

  • Exporting records by subject area using labels.

Image showing that you can export by label by clicking on a chosen label and selecting the box at the left to select all. Then choose the reference management system to export to.