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SOLO - Search Oxford Libraries Online: electronic Legal Deposit currently unavailable

Latest service announcement

Our electronic Legal Deposit collection is a shared endeavour with the other UK Legal Deposit Libraries. Our access to this content is via the British Library and is currently not available.
While access to the full eLD database is not yet possible, we hope to launch an interim solution over the coming months that will offer some access to electronic material published before the attack. We aim to make this available before the end of Hilary term. 

Access to other BL services including the UK Web Archive and inter-library requests remain affected.

Please see the Knowledge Matters blog for updates from the British Library following the cyber-attack in October 2023.

New Taylor and Francis package added to SOLO

As you are aware, electronic Legal Deposit material is currently unavailable due the British Library outage. The publisher Taylor & Francis is the largest depositor of electronic Legal Deposit material and also the most accessed in this format. The Bodleian Libraries are pleased to announce that Taylor & Francis books and its other imprints (including Routledge and CRC Press) published from 2016-2025 (content added on publication) are now available on SOLO. Up to 35,000 Humanities and Social Sciences books will be available until December 2025. A selection will be made for permanent retention based on levels of usage and other criteria. 

Helpful resources

Finding alternative copies

  • Check SOLO for alternative copies
  • Check Library Hub Discover for content outside Oxford. Library Hub Discover is a union catalogue of 204 UK and Irish academic, national & specialist library catalogues across the UK 
  •  Recommend a purchase by filling in an online form. Your request will be passed on to the relevant subject librarian for consideration, and you will be notified of the outcome. SSO password required to access the form.
  • Inter-library requests: Our inter-library requests service (also known as inter-library loans) can attempt to obtain both loans of items and scans from other libraries in the UK and worldwide, when the material required is not held in an Oxford library. This service is available to all University and Bodleian Reader card holders although please note that charges apply for Reader card holder requests. Note that in most cases, print items from the British Library are not currently available, so there may be delays in sourcing ILL items that can only be obtained from libraries outside of the UK at this time.

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  • 9 am to 7pm Monday to Friday term time. 
  • 9 am to 5pm Monday to Friday in vacation.
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