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Discovering online library resources: Other sources to try

Other sources to try

The resources below are general non-subject specific tools which are freely available online.  Check your subject LibGuide for subject recommendations and Bodleian Libraries' subscriptions.

Mainly looking for books?  Try...

Mainly looking for journals articles, pre-prints, conference papers, dissertations and theses?  Try...

Looking for newspapers?  Try...

The Bodleian subscribes to a range of e-resources covering historical and contemporary newspapers. For a list visit Databases A-Z > Newspapers.  The following are free newspaper resources.

Looking for other media (e.g. audio-visual, software, archived web pages and more? Try...

Looking for copyright-free images?

When using material created by others, in teaching, publication or personal use (copying), there are many rights considerations. Here is a selection of resources, including Creative Commons licensed resources. These are usually free to use with some restrictions, such as crediting the creator (attribution).