Use the tabs above to understand how the Law Bod's collection is arranged. There is an Enquiry Desk on Level 2, just as you enter the main Reading Room: please do come and have a word if you are having any difficulty in using the library..
Looking for a Reading List title?
When you search SOLO for books on your Oxford Law Faculty Reading List you may find that the location is shown as Law Library Reserve Collection. Books in this collection must be asked for at the Enquiry Desk on Level 2. Please remember to bring your Oxford University Card or your Bodleian Reader's Card when you come to the Desk.
Note. The books in the Reserve Collection are available to all categories of readers, not just those on the particular course.
The Law Library's collection is fully catalogued on SOLO, Oxford University's online resource discovery tool.
Some suggested subject search terms are the following (to limit to a particular country's law add its name at the end eg Sales -- Great Britain)
Sales --
Export sales contracts --
Foreign trade regulation --
Trade regulation --
Free trade -- Customs administration -- Law and legislation --
Tariff -- Law and legislation --
Freight and freightage -- Law and legislation --
Carriers -- Law and legislation --
Contracts, Maritime --
Maritime law --
Aeronautics, Commercial -- Freight -- Law and legislation ---
Antidumping duties -- Law and legislation --
Dumping (International trade) -- Law and legislation
Sanctions (International law)
Economic sanctions
Economic sanctions + name of country affected eg Economic sanctions Iraq
Conflict of laws - commercial law
Conflict of laws - sales
For those wishing to learn more about using searches, we recommend the following:
When you are studying English xxx law, most of the books of interest to you will be shelved on Level 2, the entrance level to the Law Bod.
Looking for a Reading List title?
When you search SOLO for books on your Oxford Law Faculty Reading List you may find that the location is shown as Law Library Reserve Collection. Books in the Law Reserve collection must be asked for at the Enquiry Desk on Level 2. Please remember to bring your Oxford University Card or your Bodleian Reader's Card when you come to the Desk.
Note. The books in the Reserve Collection are available to all categories of readers, not just those on the particular course.
The Law Library divides its current collections for jurisdictions across 3 levels. Each of these floors is connected by both stairs and a lift. There are also reader spaces on each floor, but we are happy for you to take books from one floor to another.
Level 2
This is the entrance level to the library. It has the books relating to the law of our home jurisdiction (UK/England and Wales), other parts of the British Isles and the following common law jurisdictions Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and USA. This collection has shelf marks beginning K, and the books are arranged by subject - explained in more detail below. Look for the third line of the shelf mark for the distinguishing jurisdictional cutters, respectively, A8, C1, I5, N4, and U4.
Other jurisdictions have intuitive shelf marks - eg China 510 for monographs on Chinese trade law.
Level 3
This is one floor above the entrance level to the library. Here you willl find the collection for the individual European jurisdictions, and a separate European Union collection.
Level 1
This is one floor below the entrance level to the library. Here the remaining jurisdictions are arranged, alphabetically by the English name of the nation. This is where to find, for example, China, India, South Africa etc.
Looking for a Reading List title?
When you search SOLO for books on your Oxford Law Faculty Reading List you may find that the location is shown as Law Library Reserve Collection. Books in the Law Reservecollection must be asked for at the Enquiry Desk on Level 2. Please remember to bring your Oxford University Card or your Bodleian Reader's Card when you come to the Desk.
Comparative law books in the Reserve Collection have shelf marks beginning KB.
Note. The books in the Reserve Collection are available to all categories of readers, not just those on the particular course.
On Level 2 there is also an open shelf collection with books with shelf marks beginning General.
This is where you will find comparative studies, and works surveying the response to legal problems in two or more jurisdictions.
If all the countries being compared are (or were) members of the Commonwealth, the book should have a shelf mark beginning Cw Gen. This collection is also on Level 2, but separate from General.
Please ask at the Enquiry Desk on Level 2 if you are having difficulty finding your way round our collection.
Looking for a Reading List title?
When you search SOLO for books on your Oxford Law Faculty Reading List you may find that the location is shown as Law Library Reserve Collection. Books in the Law Reserve collection must be asked for at the Enquiry Desk on Level 2. Please remember to bring your Oxford University Card or your Bodleian Reader's Card when you come to the Desk.
European law books in the Reserve Collection have shelf marks beginning KW.
Note. The books in the Reserve Collection are available to all categories of readers, not just those on the particular course.
The current collection of books on European Union law is shelved on Level 3, one floor above the level at which you enter the library. The floor is accessible via either stairs or the lift. It has reading seating and a PCAS machine.
The books have shelf marks beginning Euro Comm. There is is no subject classification within the collection, the books being arranged alphabetically by the first names author/editor/
Looking for a Reading List title?
When you search SOLO for books on your Oxford Law Faculty Reading List you may find that the location is shown as Law Library Reserve Collection. Books in the Law Reserve collection must be asked for at the Enquiry Desk on Level 2. Please remember to bring your Oxford University Card or your Bodleian Reader's Card when you come to the Desk.
International law books in the Reserve Collection have shelf marks beginning KC.
Note. The books in the Reserve Collection are available to all categories of readers, not just those on the particular course.
The main collection of public international law books have shelf marks beginning Internat and can be found on Level 3 one floor above the entrance level to the library. This floor is accessed by both stairs and a public lift. There is reader seating on this floor, and a PCAS machine. But readers are welcome to move books between floors to work where they are most comfortable within the library.
Also on Level 3 is the collection of conflict of laws/private international law books. These have shelf marks beginning Private Int
If the Bodleian Libraries don't have the book you are looking for, we may be able to source it through Oxford's inter-library request service.
If the Bodleian Libraries don't have the print or ebook you are looking for, you can make a recommendation by completing the form below (Oxford Single-Sign On required).