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Scotland: legal resources: Journals

Subjects: Law

Scottish law journals

Print resources

Below are some law journals published in Scotland (and therefore looking at Scottish law in particular - but not exclusively so) held in print in the Law Bod. Unfortunately we cannot always guarantee that we have a complete run (ie every single issue).

ASLR Aberdeen Student Law Review Cw UK Scotl 300 A15
Ed Law Edinburgh Law Journal Cw UK Scotl 300 J20
EdinLR Edinburgh Law Review
from 2014 this will be e-LD
Cw UK Scotl 300 E15
ENLR Edinburgh Napier Student Law Review Cw UK Scotl 300 E27
ESLR Edinburgh Student Law Review - available on free www see link below
  Journal of Jurisprudence Cw UK Scotl 300 J20
JLSS Journal of Law Society of Scotland Cw UK Scotl 300 L60
Jur Rev Juridical Review Cw UK Scotl 300 J60
SCAL & P. Scottish Constitutional and Administrative Law & Practice Cw UK Scotl 300 S25
SCL Scottish Criminal Law Cw UK Scotl 300 S26.2
Sc LM Scottish Law Magazine & Sheriff Court reporter Cw UK Scotl 300 S61
SCL Rev Scottish Construction Law Review Cw UK Scotl 300 S26
SHRJ [Green's] Scottish Human Rights Journal Cw UK Scotl 300 S27
SLG Scottish Law Gazette Cw UK Scotl 300 S50
SLLP Scottish Licensing Law & Practice Cw UK Scotl 300 S92
SLPQ Scottish Law & Practice Quarterly Cw UK Scotl 300 S30
SLT Scots Law Times Cw UK Scotl 300 S20
SPCLR Scottish Private Client Law Review Cw UK Scotl 300 S130
SPEL Scottish Planning & Environmental Law Cw UK Scotl 300 S120
SPLR Scottish Parliament Law Review Cw UK Scotl 300 S95
SPLP Scottish Planning Law & Practice Cw UK Scotl 300 S120


Finding articles in law journals