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Bound volumes of law reports from the courts of GB and Northern Ireland are available on open shelf on Level 2, the floor on which you enter the Law Library.
You may be encountering some specialist reports for the first time. Below are some of the key ones, alongside the abbreviation you might find in citations, and their shelfmark.
British Equal Opportunities Cases Cw UK 120 B43
BWCC Butterworths' Workmen's Compensation Cases, 1907-49 Cw UK 120 B70
EmpLR Employment Law Reports Cw UK 120 E40
EqLR Equality Law Reports Cw UK 120 E78
FSR Fleet Street Reports Cw UK 120 F50
ICR Industrial Cases Reports Cw UK 120 I41
ICR Industrial Court Reports (1972-74) Cw UK 120 I40
IRLR Industrial Relations Law Reports Cw UK 120 I60
KIR Knight's Industrial Reports Cw UK 120 K45
LGR [Butterworths] Local Government Reports Cw UK 120 K50
OPLR Occupational Pensions Law Reports Cw UK 120 O15
PLR [IDS] Pensions Law Reports Cw UK 120 P35
Race Discrimination Law Report Cw UK 120 R5
For help in finding the court decisions of non UK jurisdictions please see if we have a separate guide which can give assistance