For holders of an Oxford SSO
Online source available to all with access to the internet
How to find UK legislation in print
Need to find key legislation?
Consult the relevant volumes Halsbury’s Statutes service shelved on Level 2 at KZ 2. (It uses the same subject headings as Halsbury’s Laws)
If you need to know the subsequent history of the act - eg if, when and how it may have had sections amended or repealed, turn to Halsbury's Statutes Citator which provides a comprehensive list of amendments to all statutes which have been considered in Halsbury's Statutes since 1929. Amendments are noted to provision level, with any general notes relating to the Act as a whole appearing as the first note.
This service also has an Is it in force? volume - a quick and easy-to-use reference tool providing the information you need to establish the exact commencement dates of Acts of general application in England, Wales and Scotland and General Synod Measures passed since 1960.
Current Law Statutes Annotated is at KZ 5. The related CL Legislation Citator is at KZ 6.
For holders of an Oxford SSO
Reliable online sources for transcripts of judgments available to all with access to the internet
The LawBod's Search our Law Reports & Journals tool will direct you to the LawBod's print holdings by report title and -when this exists- a link to where holders of an Oxford SSO have online access.
Looking for leading cases? In addition to searches within subscription database don't forget the old print service called
The Digest : annotated British, Commonwealth and European cases
It is shelved on Floor 2 at KZ 4. This service uses the same subject headings as Halsbury’s Laws
All ER Comm | Cw UK 120 A11c | |
British Company Law Cases/British Company Cases | Cw UK 120 B42 | |
Business law reports | Cw UK 120 L135 | |
Note the similarly named Business law reports (Canada) | Cw Can 100 B70 on level 1 | |
Butterworths Company law cases | Cw UK 120 B58 | |
Commercial law cases. | Cw UK 120 C15 | |
Lloyds law reports | Cw UK 120 L185 | |
Reports of commercial cases | Cw UK 120 C30 | |
The Times law reports and commercial cases | Cw UK 120 T30 | |
The Times law reports | Cw UK 120 T35 |