Our electronic Legal Deposit collection is a shared endeavour with the other UK Legal Deposit Libraries. Our access to this content is via the British Library and is currently not available.
While access to the full eLD database is not yet possible, we hope to launch an interim solution over the coming months that will offer some access to electronic material published before the attack. We aim to make this available before the end of Hilary term.
Access to other BL services including the UK Web Archive and inter-library requests remain affected.
Please see the Knowledge Matters blog for updates from the British Library following the cyber-attack in October 2023.
A ‘read-only’ version of the British Library catalogue is now available – it gives a snap-shot as of April 2023.
It is possible to access the majority of books and special collections held at the St Pancras site, with limited collection items available at Boston Spa. You’ll need to go on-site to order collection items, to confirm availability before you visit you can email bl_ref_services@bl.uk
The BL can only issue temporary reader tickets at the moment. If you already have a card and it needs renewing, this will probably be slightly easier than those who need to register for the first time. Contact customer@bl.uk if you need help but be prepared for a delayed response as our colleagues will be terrifically busy with enquiries.
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