House of Commons bills
Alway start at 1 at the begining of each parliamentary session
House of Commons papers (HC)
Always start at 1 at the begining of each parliamentary session.
Command Papers
Command paper numbers run from 1 to nearly 10,000 so they run over many sessions. As the number 10,000 has been reached several times each run of numbers is differentiated by a different letter prefix.
[1] to [4222] 1833-1868/69
C.1 to C.9550 1870-1899
Cd.1 to Cd.9239 1900-1918
Cmd.1 to Cmd.9889 1919-1955/56
Cmnd.1 to Cmnd.9927 1956/57-1985/86
Cm.1 1986/87 to date
The Uk Parliamentary Papers database (SSO required for remote access) contains a full set of House of Commons Papers from 1801-2002/03. Each pop up icon contains the sessional year of a document and the paper number. The easiest way to find the document is to select the number tab on the top left then search using the relevant box as below.
You will then be presented with the options below.