This page and the next list those languages which are taught at the Department for Continuing Education, but for which the Library does not yet hold many resources. If you are studying one of these languages, do check back as this page will be updated.
The Library has a collection of films which are available to borrow or to watch in the Library with headphones. Foreign language films are listed under the relevant languages below. See the Library website for details.
The Oxford University Language Centre provides links to useful online resources for studying various languages - see the Language Centre.
The Open Resources site compiled by OUDCE tutors contains language materials. From the home page, select the Subjects tab and search for the language of your choice.
Books on the Arabic language are under the call number 492.7. Some examples are:
Arabic: a complete course for beginners by J.R. Smart
The Library also holds books on Islamic mysticism, some of which are in Arabic. These are at call number 297.4
Fun with Arabic free beginners course
Read Arabic! - online reading lessons aimed at beginning and intermediate students of the language.
BBC Arabic - news in Arabic
Chinese language books are at the call number 495.1. Some examples:
Teach yourself Chinese by Elizabeth Scurfield
Chinese in steps = Bu bu gao zhongwen by George X. Zhang, Linda M. Li, Lik Suen
Chinese Language films include:
BBC Chinese - various learning resources
Beginners Chinese - free online course by the Open University
Learning Chinese - a foundation course in Mandarin by MIT
Chinese Text Sampler - collection of digitized Chinese texts for students
Farsi is sometimes also known as Persian.
Books about the Persian language are at call number 491.5, including :
Learning Persian : the essential Persian language coursebook
Colloquial Persian : the complete course for beginners
We also have some poetry in Persian at call number 891.551.
Linguanaut - free online lessons in Farsi. Includes Virtual Farsi Keyboard for typing in Farsi
BBC Persian - news website in Persian language
Easy Persian - free online lessons for beginners
Books about Modern Greek are at the call number 489, including:
Communicate in Greek / Epikoinōnēste Hellēnika (recommended text)
Greek : an essential grammar of the modern language
Modern Greek/English Dictionary
Digital Dialect Online games to help with vocabulary
Portal for the Greek language collection of useful online resources
The Library holds the following recommended textbook:
Learn to read biblical Hebrew : a guide to learning the Hebrew alphabet, vocabulary and sentence structure of the Hebrew Bible by Jeff A. Benner., call number 439.1 BEN
We also hold a copy of each of the Old and New Testaments with Hebrew and English translation side by side, at call numbers 221 BIB and 225 BIB.
Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon - list of Hebrew words used in the Old Testament, with details of passages where each word is used, Hebrew spelling, transliteration, pronunciation and English meaning.
Hebrew Audio Bible recordings of each chapter of the Old Testament read aloud in Hebrew.
Books about the Japanese language are at call number 495.6, including:
Japanese for busy people (recommended text)
Kenkyusha's new Japanese-English dictionary
Japanese Language films include:
Learn Japanese Free online course for beginners
Web Japan collection of websites about Japanese culture and society
Japan Foundation - the Japan foundation promotes cultural exchange between Japan and the rest of the world. Their website includes resources for language learners