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Using SOLO to find Film Studies material: Country codes

and a guide to the Film Studies Classification Scheme
Subjects: English, Film Studies

Country codes DF-PN.I85

The following is a list of country codes that may be useful if you wish to browse through all the films we have from one country.

Country Country code
Greek History DF
Italian History DG
Dutch History    DJ
Africa PN.A35
Algeria     PN.A4
Argentina    PN.A7
Australia     PN.A8
Austria     PN.A83
Belgium     PN.B4
Bosnia-Herzegovina PN.B54
Brazil PN.B6
Bulgaria    PN.B8
Burkina Faso    PN.B92
Canada    PN.C2
Chile    PN.C3
China    PN.C4
Croatia PN.C87
Cuba    PN.C8
Czech Republic   PN.C9
Denmark    PN.D4
Egypt    PN.E3
Europe    PN.E85
Finland   PN.F5
France    PN.F7
Georgia    PN.G28
Germany    PN.G3
Great Britain    PN.G7
Greece    PN.G75
Guinea-Bissau PN.G93
Haiti    PN.H2
Hong Kong    PN.H6
Hungary    PN.H8
India    PN.I4
Iran    PN.I846
Ireland  PN.I85

Country codes PN.I75-PN.Y8


Country Country Code
Israel PN.I75
Italy PN.I88
Japan    PN.J3
Kazakhstan    PN.K3
Korea PN.K6
Kyrgyzstan    PN.K98
Korea (South)    PN.K6
Mauritania    PN.M34
Mexico    PN.M4
Mongolia    PN.M56
Norway    PN.N6
Palestine    PN.P35
Peru     PN.P4
Poland    PN.P7
Portugal    PN.P8
Romania    PN.R6
Russia    PN.R9
Senegal   PN.S38
Slovenia PN.S57
South Africa    PN.S6
Spain    PN.S7
Sweden   PN.S8
Syria    PN.S95
Taiwan    PN.T28
Tajikistan   PN.T3
Thailand    PN.T5
Tunisia PN.T8
Turkey   PN.T9
Turkmenistan    PN.T93
Ukraine    PN.U4
United States    PN.U65
Uzbekistan    PN.U9
Venezuela    PN.V4
Yugoslavia (Former)    PN.Y8