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Biology: Home

Purpose of this guide

This guide is intended for students and researchers studying biology at the University of Oxford.

Use this guide to find out about books and online resources for biology, including ebooks, ejournals and bibliographic databases.

Finding books for biology

Oxford has a wide range of print and ebooks, including the main science collections in the Radcliffe Science Library and the research collections at the Sherardian Library of Plant Taxonomy.  For more detailed info about our book collections visit our Books page in this guide.

Key journals

Many journals, as well as being available in print, are available online and can be searched via SOLO. Below are a few of the top journals for biology but you can find more information on the Journals page in this guide.

Key databases

Oxford subscribes to many bibliographic databases. They can be used to locate journal articles, conference proceedings, books, patents, images, data and more. You can find some of the key databases for biology below, but take a look at the Databases page in this guide for more information.

Biology Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Oliver Bridle
Radcliffe Science Library

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Key libraries

Radcliffe Science Library

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