This blog is designed to help students and researchers using the US Studies collections held at the Vere Harmsworth Library, as well as to highlight the variety of resources that are available both in Oxford and more widely. Posts cover tips on using specific resources as well as guidance on resources available for specific subject areas.
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See also: Microfilm and Physical Collections.
For digitized versions of library books from North America, try the following:
See also, the VHL's guide to its microfilm holdings (also in print in the library)
This collection is part of the archive of the United Society Partners in Gospel (USPG), formerly the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG). It was curated in association with the Bodleian Library.
The below collections are more broadly focused on international history or culture, and may include useful resources related to the United States.
Collections of primary sources in print or microfiche format, which can be accessed at the Vere Harmsworth (unless otherwise stated).
See also the VHL's guide to its microfilm holdings (also in print in the library)
Individual papers of the presidents and key figures in the American government may be held physically in the VHL - search via SOLO to check.
State Journals
Official records, papers of presidents and key individuals in government, and other resources of interest may be held in the VHL. Search SOLO to find these items. Key titles of interest are: