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United Nations: Starting your search and links to resources

Useful resources

Starting your search

At the beginning of your research? 

  • The Yearbook of the United Nations is a good starting point for information on a particular topic. The Yearbook stands as the authoritative reference work on the activities and concerns of the Organization.
  • Research guidesThe United Nations has produced a large range of research guides to guide you in your research, topics include: human rights, international law, UN resources and climate change.
  • UN Documentation an overview Advice on searching for the different types of records generated by the UN to include: meeting records, letters, resolutions and decisions, documents and press releases.

 United Nations documentation resources and tools

  •  United Nations Digital Library includes UN documents, voting data, speeches, maps, and open access publications. The platform provides access to UN-produced materials in digital format and bibliographic records for print UN documents starting in 1979. System features include linked data between related documentation such as resolutions, meeting records and voting, and refining of searches by UN body, agency or type of document. 

  • ODS Search  Official Documents of the United Nations: ODS covers all types of official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993. Older UN documents are, however, added to the system on a daily basis. ODS also provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards.
  • Sales Publications The United Nations produces many reports that are released as sales publications, these are catalogued and made available via SOLO The latest sales publications are listed on the United Nations publications website

(Please note the UNBISNET and UN-I-QUE search tools have now been retired and replaced with the United Nations Digital Library) 

UN News Centre

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