provides access to tables of contents (TOCs) of nearly 25 000 scholarly journals, including open access journals.
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Go to JournalTOCS, create an account and start your selection.
provides free alerts on the literature indexed in PubMed. To set up an alert, register on PubMed Crawler and enter your keywords. Once registered, you can modify your keywords, enter a new search alert or change the time you receive alert emails.
Search alerts/feeds
You can set up alerts for new articles on your subject, in databases like Scopus, Web of Science or PubMed. Do a search, create an account, and choose Save search / Set alert, to get automatic updates on new articles which match your search.
Citation alerts/feeds
Many databases also allow you to create Cited Article Alerts, so you can be notified when a particular paper is next cited (and track who is citing you!).
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