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Zotero bibliography
- The medievalist staff in the Library maintain a Zotero bibliography which records published references to Bodleian and other Oxford manuscripts. The great majority of the references have been converted from the bibliographical card index known as 'Bodley Refs.' The process of conversion is ongoing, and the bibliography currently covers works published between approximately 1992 and 2016.
- The bibliography for a particular medieval manuscript - if any is known - is linked to from the entry for that manuscript in the online catalogue. The link will look something like this and will appear at the bottom of the record:
- The bibliography can also be searched via the Zotero website. The search box at the top right of the screen allows you to search by author, title, year, or full text:
- The search box at the left of the screen allows you to search by Tags.
- In our bibliography the Tag is the shelfmark, including 'MS.' if the item is a manuscript and '[pr.]' if it is a printed book. The search is not case-sensitive but it is sensitive to punctuation. A search for 'MS. Douce 310' returns results for the manuscript. A search for "Douce 310" returns results for the manuscript MS. Douce 310 and the printed book [pr.] Douce 310. A search for "MS Douce 310" (without a . after MS) would not return any results.
- To find where in a work a particular manuscript is referred to, you need to open the Note, found at the bottom of the record under 'Notes and Attachments':
- The Note contains a list of all the manuscripts cited in that work:
- Although the primary focus of the bibliography is medieval manuscripts, it does contain a number of references to post-medieval manuscripts and to early printed books. These can only be found by searching the Zotero interface.