Citations in Spanish texts are often combination of article number and recognised abbreviation of the title of the code.
C.C. | Código Civil |
LEC | Ley de Enjuiciamento Civil |
C.P. | Código Penal |
LECr | Ley de Enjuiciamento Criminal |
C.Com. | Código de Comercio |
LOPJ | Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial |
LPA | Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo |
LPL | Ley de Procedimiento Laboral |
LJCA | Ley de la Jurisdicción Contencioso Administrativa |
LOREG | Ley Orgánica del Régimen Electoral General |
LOTC | Ley Orgánicadel Tribunal Constitucional |
Finding your way round a Spanish statute
Common abbreviations | |
Ley orgánica | LO |
Ley ordinaria | L |
Real decreto | RD |
Real decreto Ley | RD-Ley |
Real decreto Legislativo | RDL |
Ordén Ministerial | OM |
Abbreviation of type of legislation, unique numerical identifier/yyyy, date of month, title eg L 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil.
Followed by either citation to the official publication the Boletín Official (abbreviated to BOE) eg BOE núm. 7, de 8 de enero del 2000, pg. 575-728
or citation to
the private publication Repertorio Aranzadi Cronológico de Legislación (abbreviated to RCL) eg RCL 2000 34. (This refers to the Marginale at which the act is, it encompasses pp.122-296)
If you only have the BOE citation you can still find the act easily in RCL (without recourse to the indexes) as the BOE citation is printed on top of each page in the RCL.
The LawBod subscribed to legislation published by a private publishing house. However, the only official text for current legislation is that published in the Boletín oficial del estado
Aranzadi Repertorio Cronológico de Legislación 1930 - Spain 10
+ Indices Progresivos de Legislación/ Indices Auxilliaries de Legislación
Nuevo diccionario de legislación : toda la legislación española en vigncia al 31 diciembre 1974 (25v. Table in v.25 updates for 1975,1976,1977)
Spain 30 1974
The LawBod has a considerable run of volumes of older Spanish legislation, also available to Request from Closed Stacks
Noticias Juridicas is a legal news website from Wolters Kluwer which aggregates legal news from Spain. It summarises court decisions as well as offering more in-depth articles, and has a search function for jurisprudence and legislation.