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Northern Ireland : legal resources: Legislation

An introduction to Northern Ireland Law
Subjects: Law

Legislative measures of the NI Assembly and legislation which applies in Northern Ireland, enacted at Westminster

The Northern Ireland Assembly can make legislation (statutes and secondary legislation (statutory rules) for transferred matters.
The jurisdictional scope is identified in the title - for example, the Carrier Bags Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.

Changing names of NI legislation

1921 - 1972  (legislation from the Stormont Parliament): Acts
1972 - 2000  (direct rule): Orders in Council
2000 - 2002  (NI Assembly established): Acts ¦ Orders in Council (for excepted & reserved matters)
2002 - 2007  (NI Assembly suspended): Orders in Council
2007 - 2011  (NI Assembly resumed): Acts ¦ Orders in Council (for excepted & reserved matters)
2011 -            (devolution of policing & criminal justice): Acts

Printed sources of NI legislation

On Level 2, in the KZ section

Halsbury's Statutes (vol. 32)

Classmark: KZ 2 
Statutes relating to Northern Ireland with amendments and annotations.

Current Law Monthly Digest & Yearbook

Classmark: KZ 5
Includes a section for Northern Ireland secondary legislation organised by subject/

On Level 1 are 

Northern Ireland Statutes

Classmark: Cw UK NI 10
This is the official printed copy of statutes produced by the Stationary Office, from 1999 onwards.  These are arranged by year and are not amended.

Northern Ireland Statutes (previously Public General Acts Northern Ireland)

Classmark: Cw UK NI 11
This is the official printed copy of statutes produced by the Stationary Office, from 1921 to 1999.  These are arranged by year and are not amended.

The Statutes Revised: Northern Ireland

Classmark: Cw UK NI 20
Published in 1956 and 1981, this copy of amended statutes produced by the Stationary Office includes legislation in force in the year of publication.  These are arranged by year of the original legislation, starting with Volume 1: 1310 - 1800.  Cumulative supplements updated the 1981 edition to 2005, after which amendments can be found online through  Annual cumulative supplements are still produced to update pre-1921 legislation.

Index to the Statutes. Northern Ireland

Classmark: Cw UK NI 81
Subject index to the statutes, published in 1993.

Chronological table of the Statutes. Northern Ireland

Classmark: Cw UK NI 81
Chronological listing of legislation noting commencement, amendment and repeals.

Statutory Rules and Orders

Classmark: Cw UK NI 90
Secondary legislation for Northern Ireland from 1925 onwards.